Feb 9 / Naz

Bard, Gemini, ChatGPT

No more names like Siri, Alexa, Cortena,
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Bard, Gemini, Co-pilot, DALL-E, Pi, ChatGPT
Remember the days when Siri, Alexa, and Cortana, with their distinctly female names, were our digital gateways to information and assistance?
Fast forward to the current landscape of artificial intelligence, and we observe a significant shift. The frontiers of AI technology—Bard, Gemini, Co-pilot, ChatGPT, Midjourney, DALL-E, and Pi—boast names that veer away from the feminine and delve into the realms of neutrality or the abstract.
This evolution raises intriguing questions: Why the pivot away from female names in the echelon of advanced AI solutions?
Is this a conscious choice reflecting broader societal shifts, or an unconscious move away from anthropomorphizing technology with gendered identities?
The significance of naming in technology extends beyond mere labels; it influences user perceptions, interaction dynamics, and societal norms.
In an era where diversity and inclusion are paramount, the choices we make in naming our technological progeny warrant deeper reflection and dialogue.
And more importantly, how can we ensure that the future of AI development embraces inclusivity and diversity, not just in names but in the values they embody?
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