Feb 13 / Naz

From Gutenberg to Zuckerberg: human reactions unchanged

I'm neither disappointed nor surprised by this development.
We know from history that Johann Gutenberg in Mainz/Germany faced similar rejections in 1440 when he introduced the printing press because it made publishing, reading, and learning accessible to everyone, breaking the church and its allies' monopoly used to control information.
The resistance to Gutenberg's printing press didn't halt its adoption; it necessitated a significant shift in mindset and paradigms to appreciate its advantages.
What happens when we reject tech-innovations at a state level?
Take the Ottoman Empire, lasting over 600 years (1299-1923), which banned printing for 250 years ( it was "Haram" from 1440 to 1726).
This led to missing the Industrial Revolution and Enlightenment, causing lasting negative effects in regions like today's Turkey and the former Ottoman territories in the Middle East.
Similarly, AI will displace jobs, necessitating new skills. Public policymakers are responsible for reskilling people, but as individuals, we need to make an effort to learn. AI developers are responsible to design and develop AI solutions that are ETHICAL and USEFUL for everyone.
AI should not reduce wages for work performed by humans. On the contrary, tasks done by humans should be valued more highly. We might need to redefine the value of work performed by humans.
Which is more valuable: 
a) the labor of someone who removes our trash, cleans our homes, cares for us or our elderly in sickness
b) versus so-called white-collar jobs, like mine as an engineer or a manager, where the term feels outdated as women often don't wear white collars, involving sitting in a modern office, maybe supervising employees who are smarter?
Definitely, the first group should be paid more. And guess what: AI is likely to replace the second group!
I understand the anger in the article, but I cannot accept that we should stop developing technology because it changes how we live and work. Instead, we owe our civilization to technology and the risk-takers of their times, like Galileo and Gutenberg. By the way, who do we consider the inventor of AI? Alan Turing?
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