Jan 18 / Naz

Who's more powerful: António Guterres or Sam Altman?

I didn't hear Guterres's Davos speech directly, but what I read from Shea Brown made me feel a mix of anger and worry.
Guterres (a white old man), as the head of the UN, holds this position to get countries to work together on big world problems.
On the other hand, Sam Altman, (a white young man), who is a bit like a new Mark Zuckerberg, leads OpenAI. He's a young leader who thinks AI and algorithms can help solve big problems.
Just like Zuckerberg (a white young man) made Facebook big by using our data and saying it could fix our money, social, and health issues, Altman is also using people's data and wisdom available on the internet.
This makes me think: In our world that's changing so fast, how do we make sure that both kinds of power work well together for a future that's good for everyone?
Let's think about how we can all help to make things better and make sure AI is used in a good and fair way.
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