Jan 29 / Naz

Why I Love Everything That Starts with 'International'

I love the standards
They are indispensable tools for ensuring the quality of products, systems, and solutions, encompassing global safety, quality, and technical standards, among others.
Implementing these standards in an 'intangible' area like ethics is challenging. When we talk about ethics, especially in contrast to morals, we're delving into a complex area.
Morals refer to personal beliefs and values, often shaped by culture, religion, and upbringing.
Ethics, on the other hand, are the rules and standards that a society or a profession adheres to, often codified and more universally applicable.
This distinction is crucial in understanding my struggle with the notion that ethical values can vary so widely.
While personal morals may differ from person to person, I believe that, much like universal human rights, ethical values should have a broader consensus and universal application.
This is particularly important in the context of AI systems. For instance, if an AI system shows bias by only qualifying white men for a solution and disqualifying others based on gender, race, socioeconomic status, age, or background, it's not just a breach of ethics but also a moral failure in upholding basic human rights.
We need to aim for a world where ethical standards in AI, based on universally accepted ethical principles, are as universally accepted and applied as our fundamental human rights.
In this context, I appreciate ISO/IEC 42001 as a significant milestone in this journey. It represents a collective effort to define and uphold ethical standards in the realm of AI.
Let's learn, engage, and develop ethical AI solutions that help humanity to be better.
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