Jan 19 / Naz

Zuckerberg and his AGI plan

1. From my perspective, men are likely to be the most affected by new technologies unless they adapt quickly and effectively. This is reminiscent of a recent article in FAZ, where a German Nobel Prize-winning professor cautioned against developing AI as it might lead to increased unemployment.
I needed to ask:
1. Can I trust these sources?
2. Is the idea clear or just full of complicated terms?
3. Does it help make AI ethical and for everyone?
4. Does it make me feel something strong?
Zuckerberg's AGI strategy seems more confusing than groundbreaking.
Here's why:
1. Understanding AGI: Does Zuckerberg really get it? Seems doubtful.
2. Chasing AGI: It looks like he's just trying to keep up with others, not leading the way.
3. Open Source or Closed: His plans keep changing – one day it's open for all, the next, it's not.
4. Confidence: Why does he think he can lead in AGI? Maybe because he got some fancy tech first (some Nvidia chips).
5. What about the Metaverse promise? It's still there, but now AGI is the new favorite.
It's worrying to see our digital future in the hands of a few (white, young, socially handicapped, male) tech leaders.
This isn't the visionary approach of Gates and Jobs. Instead, it's about making money from our social identities which we live online.
This situation is more than a tech competition; it's about shaping our digital world. We need to speak up, demand clear answers, and push for an AI future that's fair, open, and truly benefits everyone.
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