AI Ethics Awareness Training for Non-Technical People

Why This Training?
In today's rapidly advancing technological landscape, AI is playing an instrumental role in shaping industries, businesses, and societies. However, as we march towards a more AI-driven future, the ethical dimensions surrounding it can't be overlooked. With the EU AI Act emphasizing the importance of ethics in AI applications, there's a dire need for organizations to align with these guidelines and foster an ethical AI environment. This training aims to empower non-technical teams and executives, offering them a foundational understanding of AI ethics, thus ensuring your organization navigates the ethical landscape of AI with proficiency.
Duration: 1 Day (8 hours), (online / virtual live session)

Who Should Attend?

 Executives and senior leaders seeking to integrate AI responsibly in their departments.
 Non-technical team members across HR, Marketing, Sales, and other departments where AI tools are employed.
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 Policy makers and consultants aiming to stay updated with the ethical implications of AI.
 Any professional eager to gain a foundational understanding of the ethics surrounding AI and its applications.

Course Highlights

 Comprehensive understanding of the AI landscape and the EU AI Act's ethical emphasis.
 Delving deep into biases in AI, recognizing them, and understanding their societal ramifications.
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 Exploring the intricate relationship between AI, data, and privacy.
 Engaging hands-on workshop sessions focused on crafting ethical AI frameworks.
 Open-floor Q&A sessions offering clarifications on all things AI ethics.


 No prior knowledge of AI or technical expertise is required. This training is tailored for a non-technical audience.
 An open mindset, ready to engage with and delve into the ethical dimensions of AI.

Training Materials Needed by Participants

A device (laptop/tablet) with a stable internet connection to access the virtual training.
Note-taking materials (optional but recommended).
Pre-reading materials (will be provided a week before the training).
Write your awesome label here.

Training Content

AI Ethics Awareness Training for Non-Technical People

Objective: Empower non-technical teams and executives with a foundational understanding of AI ethics. Elevate awareness about AI's ethical dimensions, align with the EU AI Act's emphasis on ethics, and equip your organization to navigate the ethical landscape of AI effectively.

Session 1: Understanding the AI Landscape

  • Introduction to Artificial Intelligence: What it is and isn't.
  • The EU AI Act: A snapshot of its emphasis on ethics and its relevance.
  • Real-world Examples: Highlighting the importance of ethics in AI applications.

Session 2: Unpacking Bias in AI

  • Defining and Recognizing Bias: Understanding biases in data and algorithms.
  • The Real-world Ramifications: Impacts of biased AI on individuals and societies.
  • Interactive Activity: Identifying bias in common AI applications.

Session 3: Transparency, Trust, and Accountability

  • Deciphering the AI Black Box: The need for explainability in AI.
  • The Role of Transparency: Building trust in AI systems.
  • Accountability Measures: Steps and protocols when AI applications falter.

Session 4: Ethical Dilemmas in AI Deployments

  • Real-world AI Scenarios: Exploring the nuances of ethical dilemmas in AI.
  • Group Discussion: Deliberating on potential resolutions to these dilemmas.

Session 5: AI, Data, and Privacy

  • Data: The Lifeline of AI: Why it's pivotal and the associated ethical concerns.
  • Navigating the Privacy Quagmire: GDPR, CCPA, and ensuring data protection.
  • Interactive Activity: Evaluating privacy concerns in AI scenarios.

Session 6: Crafting Ethical AI Frameworks

  • Essentials of an Ethical AI Blueprint: Principles and guidelines to consider.
  • Best Practices: Actions and steps to reinforce ethical AI deployment.
  • Resources Dive: Directing attendees to further readings and communities.

Session 7: Hands-on Workshop: Ethical AI in Action

  • Group Activity: Formulating ethical guidelines for a provided AI use case.
  • Feedback Rounds: Sharing, critiquing, and refining the developed guidelines.

Session 8: Wrapping Up and Engaging Q&A

  • Recap of the Day: Summarizing the key takeaways.
  • Open Floor Q&A: Addressing queries, concerns, and providing clarifications.
  • Looking Ahead: Encouraging proactive ethical AI integration in attendees' domains.
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