Introduction to Cloud Computing

Your Launchpad to the Cloud Era
Why This Training?
The cloud revolutionizes the way businesses operate, enabling innovations and cost savings. Whether you're a beginner or someone aiming to fill knowledge gaps, this course is designed to give you a comprehensive understanding of cloud computing in today's digital age.
Duration: 15 Hours (online / virtual live session)

Who Should Attend? 

Professionals curious about cloud computing, IT personnel, entrepreneurs, business decision-makers, and anyone eager to grasp the fundamentals of the cloud landscape.

Course Breakdown

 Cloud Computing Demystified: Explore the essence of cloud computing, its evolution, and its transformative benefits.
 Service Models Unveiled: Dive into IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, and the game-changing concept of serverless computing.
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 Deployment Models Explored: Understand the intricacies of public, private, hybrid, and community clouds.
 Tour of Cloud Giants: Delve into the offerings of leading providers like AWS, Azure, GCP, and more.
 Core Cloud Concepts: Master the significance of virtualization, storage, compute, and networking in the cloud.
 Fortifying the Cloud: Grasp vital aspects of cloud security, compliance, and risk management.
 Economics of the Cloud: Decode the financial dynamics of the cloud, from pricing models to cost optimization.
 Migration Masterclass: Chart your cloud journey with strategies and considerations for seamless migration.
 Cloud in Action: Engage with real-world case studies showcasing cloud-driven transformations across sectors.
 Peering into the Future: Conclude by looking at upcoming cloud trends, followed by an interactive Q&A.


 Basic IT Knowledge: Understand basic IT concepts and terminologies.
 Willingness to Learn: Passion to learn about the latest in technology and business innovations.

Training Materials Needed

With at least 4GB RAM and a modern browser installed (preferably Chrome).
Cloud Account
Free-tier accounts on platforms such as AWS, Azure, or GCP for hands-on sessions. (Instructions for setup will be provided prior to the training).
Notebook & Pen
For note-taking during the training.
Digital Storage
A USB or external drive for any shared resources or outputs.
Write your awesome label here.

Training Content

Introduction to Cloud Computing Training Plan

1. Introduction to Python & Data Analytics

Objective: Introduce participants to the foundational concepts of cloud computing, emphasizing its significance, types, advantages, and real-world applications.
1. Understanding Cloud Computing:
Objective: Define and contextualize cloud computing.
  • What is cloud computing?
  • Brief history and evolution of cloud technology.
  • Benefits and drivers behind the rise of cloud computing.

2. Cloud Computing Service Models

Objective: Differentiate between the main service models.
  • Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS).
  • Platform as a Service (PaaS).
  • Software as a Service (SaaS).
  • Functions as a Service (FaaS) and the rise of serverless computing.

3. Cloud Deployment Models

Objective: Explain the primary deployment models.
  • Public cloud.
  • Private cloud.
  • Hybrid cloud.
  • Community cloud.

4. Key Cloud Providers & Their Offerings

Objective: Introduce major cloud service providers and their solutions.
  • Overview of Amazon Web Services (AWS).
  • Overview of Microsoft Azure.
  • Overview of Google Cloud Platform (GCP).
  • Other providers: IBM Cloud, Oracle Cloud, Alibaba Cloud.

5. Basic Cloud Concepts & Components

Objective: Familiarize participants with cloud components and concepts.
  • Virtualization and its significance.
  • Storage solutions: Blob, File, Database services.
  • Compute solutions: VMs, Containers.
  • Networking in the cloud.

6. Cloud Security & Compliance

Objective: Highlight the importance of security and compliance in cloud services.
  • Risks associated with cloud computing.
  • Security tools and protocols in the cloud.
  • Regulatory compliance and data sovereignty.

7. Cloud Economics & Cost Management

Objective: Explain the economic benefits and considerations of using cloud services.
  • Pay-as-you-go and other pricing models.
  • Cost optimization strategies.
  • Tools for monitoring and managing costs.

8. Cloud Migration & Strategies

Objective: Introduce basic strategies for moving to the cloud.
  • Reasons for migrating.
  • The "6 R's" of cloud migration: Rehost, Refactor, Rearchitect, Rebuild, Replace, Retain.
  • Challenges and considerations during migration.

9. Real-world Applications & Case Studies

Objective: Illustrate cloud computing's practical implications.
  • Case studies across industries: healthcare, finance, media, etc.
  • How businesses leverage cloud for scalability, disaster recovery, and innovation.

10. Conclusion, Future Trends & Q&A Session

Objective: Wrap up the course, discuss upcoming trends, and resolve any lingering questions.
  • The future of cloud computing: edge computing, quantum computing.
  • The increasing importance of multi-cloud strategies.
  • Q&A session.
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