Introduction to Computational Thinking

Unlock the Power of Problem Solving: Dive Deep into Computational Thinking! 
Why This Training?
In a world filled with complex problems, Computational Thinking equips you with a universally applicable skill set to dissect challenges, identify patterns, focus on pivotal information, and design solutions. Whether you're in IT, business, healthcare, art, or any other field, this training offers an indispensable toolset for modern-day professionals.
Duration: 3 Hours (online / virtual live session)

Who Should Attend?

 Professionals aiming to enhance their problem-solving skills.
 Educators and trainers wanting to incorporate computational methods in teaching.
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 Managers and team leaders looking for ways to approach challenges methodically.
 Anyone eager to harness the power of computational thinking, irrespective of their domain.

Course Highlights

 Foundational Understanding: Discover what computational thinking is and why it's vital across disciplines.
 Four Pillars Exploration: Dive deep into the core tenets - Decomposition, Pattern Recognition, Abstraction, and Algorithm Design.
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 Hands-On Activities: Engage in practical tasks that nurture and challenge your computational thinking abilities.
 Real-World Applications: Learn how computational thinking is being applied in diverse fields from technology to arts.
 Interactive Group Discussions: Collaborate and discuss with peers, sharing insights and perspectives on overcoming challenges.


 An eagerness to learn and actively participate.
 No prior knowledge of computational thinking or programming is required.

Training Materials Needed by Participants

A notebook or digital device for note-taking.
Reliable internet connection (for virtual sessions).
Materials for practical activities (will be provided or communicated before sessions).
Write your awesome label here.

Training Content

Introduction to Computational Thinking

Session 1: Introduction to Computational Thinking

Introduction & Icebreaker Activity
  • Brief explanation of computational thinking and its relevance.
  • Icebreaker: "Human Algorithm" – Step-by-step instruction activity.
What is Computational Thinking?
  • Overview and significance.
  • Emphasis on cross-disciplinary application.
Four Pillars of Computational Thinking: Overview
  • Introduction to Decomposition, Pattern Recognition, Abstraction, and Algorithm Design.

Session 2: Deep Dive into the Pillars & Practical Activities

Practical Activity: Decomposition & Pattern Recognition
  • Exercises on breaking down problems and identifying data trends.
Practical Activity: Abstraction & Algorithm Design
  • Exercises focusing on distilling core information and step-by-step problem solving.
Discussion: Insights from the Activities
  • Sharing observations and takeaways from the practical exercises.

Session 3: Real-World Applications & Future Insights

Real-World Applications of Computational Thinking
  • Its use in various fields such as programming, business, biology, and art.
Group Activity: Overcoming Barriers to Computational Thinking
  • Discussing challenges in applying computational thinking.
  • Brainstorming solutions for a given challenge.
The Future of Computational Thinking & Open Discussion
  • Discussion on future applications and importance.
  • Q&A segment and wrap-up.
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